hallow bro… i have application timer to shutdown computer … a kind of timer lah… and equiped with screen saver. initially sich this application wants kupake self but cave share aza lah… when do i think me want nyalain my company just for music approach tidur…. and when shall i sleep so my company die sendiri… gitu… gimana ci manner ngomong, , confused i, yes the main gitu lah…. there plus screen saver when am i display bored desktop. . trus can menransparansi when at collapse. . let ga ngganggu when do i pake to pelem hehehe….
but there it is important to know
" when timer walk don't button help, about and whoa then exit: cos can restar timer udah you set… may be kalo sempet i improve kalo task udah finished: . . again.
" best save all document, to awake and to simplify process shutdown when time out udah nol…
" this application walks at xp. . to 98 and of the same nation it kagak support because kagak there shutdown. exe at system-.
" at set timer click option button that chosen set timer he is new mengisi… let ga dank dunk mellu… bug this also not yet i am perbaika because kagak sempet…
" and to source code at some time may be end this month cos i am ga sempet make it.
" and this program me makes with language basic, vbp he is ga i am upload cos slow man to upload… economical bandwidth…. but i am promise certain i am upload
Applications first viewing
Interface when collapse
lha to donlot you can download to click on here… at ziddu.com………. sworie rather ribet coz let adsense laku… hehehe…. n sworie also kalo this is me upload menziddu, hehehe… cave kagak maksa to donlot this file is kok……
Sorry I can speak English good n kacau gitu deah…
For Indonesian language go this site
Monday, June 1, 2009
Timer Shutdown 4.2 aplications
Monday, April 27, 2009
Seo Contest On Networking Public (more than $5000 of PRIZES)
Lists of the winner's gife are :
- 1st Prize: Rp 5.000.000 + 16Gb USB drive
- 2nd Prize: Rp 2.000.000 + 8 Gb USB drive
- 3rd Prize: Rp 1.000.000 + 8 Gb USB drive
- 4th Prize: 8 Gb USB drive
- 5th Prize: 8 Gb USB drive
- 6th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
- 7th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
- 8th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
- 9th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
- 10th Prize: 4 Gb USB drive
Be spirint for this seo contest in "Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009" with google .co.id for machine searh ingine. and be the winner..
Good Luck and God Bless you.
related post :
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Prevent Virus Autorun.inf make the Super Autorun
Continuing the previous any posts about Secure dummy file with the flash and with flash format type NTFS, this time it will continue on the technical protection of the flash drive or a virus or program that will create the file Autorun.inf, simple program with Super Autorun. So it can be expected to reduce the spread of the virus.
I had doubts the effectiveness of this way, because it thinks it easy for viruses to change, delete, and create a new autorun.inf file.
Some of this information I can after reading one of any posts in the blog WinPowerTips. Indeed, with only the file autorun.inf to make it, even though the system hidden attribute will be easily overcome by the virus. But there is described with three levels and the result is not easy to delete the file and try to make the virus Autorun.inf file with the usual way will fail.
The following short explanation of the level 3 (stages) to prevent the virus to create / modify the Autorun.inf file:
1. Prevent the virus to create the autorun.inf file on how to create a folder Autorun.inf. Because if you already have this folder then the Autorun.inf file will not be made.
2. Prevent virus remove Autorun.inf folder (with the usual way) by adding Unicode files inside. This fact can make the virus or error programmernya close if not overcome with good.
3. Prevents users Removing Autorun.inf folder with the folder not terhapuskan. Such as Microsoft own explanation that sometimes we can not remove file / folder name if the name is invalid (disability).
Explanation about the length of each level, please visit the blog directly the IT Guy is. Because there are also many tips-other interesting tips.
However, with 3 levels itupun, if virusnya (the virus) and the jelly can still overcome the virus and can still create Autorun.inf file to transmit itself.
Super Autorun
Provided in the blog file vbs (visual basic script), to create Autorun.inf folders and folders that are not [easily] terhapuskan (phases 1 and 3) to phase 2 (make the file unicode) we have to create your own.
After reading the article, I tried googling further information (details) about this, and finally, I try (inspired) to make the file a simple, small and easy to use anyone else associated with this. The result? Super Autorun

File size is only about 24 KB, no need to install the. Consistent with its name, aims to create a folder / file-specific, to prevent the virus (easily) create, modify or delete the file Autorun.inf. This file using additional special techniques, so that it can not be easily removed, or modified by direname virus. For unicode file, not included in this program.
Use Super Autorun
This program is very easy to use, run the live file, then select the drive that will be used as a target or choose "Select all drives" to select all drives, then click Create Autorun.inf, If you already have a file / folder Autorun.inf then this program will try immediately remove, and create new ones. If you are successful, please try to delete, rename, edit, open this folder in any way.
So essentially, this program will create Autorun.inf folders that are not easy to erase, or rename the modifications, so that viruses or other programs can not create file Autorun.inf.
In order to succeed, then the flash drive or to be made must bertipe NTFS. To Flashdisk, because the default Windows Explorer does not have the menu to format NTFS, I can read any posts before mem-Tips Flashdisk format with NTFS file system
Note: This technique is not to prevent the virus to duplicate itself flash, only to prevent the virus mambuat file Autorun.inf, so it does not spread to the computer without us. Perhaps the future can be combined with comprehensive protection creating dummy files protected with Super Autorun to protect the flash. If you want to delete the folder had autorun.inf, can use the software Unlocker
Monday, March 16, 2009
Says About Google Chrome
Paul Zucker says
New Open Source Browser Combines Simple User-Interface with Sophisticated Technology

In the early days of the Internet, web pages were frequently little more than text. But today the web has evolved into a powerful platform that enables users to collaborate with friends and colleagues through email and other web applications, edit documents, watch videos, listen to music, manage finances and much more. Google Chrome was built for today's web and for the applications of tomorrow.
"We think of the browser as the window to the web – it's a tool for users to interact with the web sites and applications they care about, and it's important that we don't get in the way of that experience," said Sundar Pichai, Vice President of Product Management, Google Inc. "Just like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome has a simple user interface with a sophisticated core to enable the modern web."
Making the web experience better for users
Google Chrome was designed to make it easy for users to search and navigate the web for the content they're looking for.
- A combined search and address bar quickly takes users where they want to go, often in just a few keystrokes.
- When users open a new tab in Google Chrome, they'll see a page that includes snapshots of their most-visited sites, recent searches and bookmarks, making it even easier to navigate the web.
Google Chrome was engineered to deliver a seamless web experience for users. At its core is a multi-process platform that helps provide users with enhanced stability and security.
- Each browser tab operates as a separate process; by isolating tabs, should one tab crash or misbehave, others remain stable and responsive, and users can continue working without having to restart Google Chrome.
- Google also built a new JavaScript engine, V8, that not only speeds up today's web applications, but enables a whole new class of web applications that couldn't exist on today's browsers.
Contributing to the innovation of browsers through openness
"While we see this as a fundamental shift in the way people think about browsers, we realise that we couldn't have created Google Chrome on our own," said Linus Upson, Director of Engineering, Google Inc. "Google Chrome was built upon other open source projects that are making significant contributions to browser technology and have helped to spur competition and innovation."
To further advance the openness of the web, Google Chrome is being released as an open source project. The intent is that Google will help make future browsers better by contributing the underlying technology in Google Chrome to the market, while continuing to develop additional features.
How to get Google Chrome
Google Chrome is being released in beta for Windows and can be downloaded at www.google.com/chrome. Google Chrome for Mac and Linux users will be available in the coming months. For more information on the open source project, Chromium, visit www.chromium.org.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Prayer reminder in Mozilla Firefox
One of the add-ons that are quite useful Pray Times!, Prayer reminder for Firefox.
Pray Times! calculation algorithm using a similar (possibly the same) with a prayer reminder application, such as Shollu, Azan Times and others. So if Shollu have been using, then look almost the same time.
* Different methods of prayer time calculation
* Information within the time prayer
* Automatic azan voice or other audio when the time comes
* Support various places in the world
* The calculation of local (does not need internet connection)
* Display information prayer time when the mouse on the area of Pray Times!
* Not limited Operating System that is used, which use web browser Mozilla Firefox
* Various options (calculation) that can be entered manually
* Available jadwan monthly prayer time

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ancillary equipment used by networks
To keep a network operating, to diagnose failures or degradation, and to circumvent problems, networks may have a wide-ranging amount of ancillary equipment.
Providing Electrical Power
Individual network components may have surge protectors - an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. Surge protectors attempt to regulate the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or shorting to ground voltage
above a safe threshold
Beyond the surge protector, network elements may have uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), which can be anywhere from a line-charged battery to take the element through a brief power dropout, to an extensive network of generators and large battery banks that can protect the network for hours or days of commercial power outages. A network as simple as two computers linked with a crossover cable has several points at which the network could fail: either network interface, and the cable. Large networks, without careful design, can have many points at which a single failure could disable the network.
When networks are critical the general rule is that they should have no single point of failure. The broad factors that can bring down networks, according to the Software Engineering Institute [6] at Carnegie-Mellon University:
1. Attacks: these include software attacks by various miscreants (e.g., malicious hackers, computer criminals) as well as physical destruction of facilities.
2. Failures: these are in no way deliberate, but range from human error in entering commands, bugs in network element executable code, failures of electronic components, and other things that involve deliberate human action or system design.
3. Accidents: Ranging from spilling coffee into a network element to a natural disaster or war that destroys a data center, these are largely unpredictable events. Survivability from severe accidents will require physically diverse, redundant facilities. Among the extreme protections against both accidents and attacks are airborne command posts and communications relays[7], which either are continuously in the air, or take off on warning. In like manner, systems of communications satellites may have standby spares in space, which can be activated and brought into the constellation.
Dealing with Power Failures
One obvious form of failure is the loss of electrical power. Depending on the criticality and budget of the network, protection from power failures can range from simple filters against excessive voltage spikes, to consumer-grade Uninterruptible Power Supplies(UPS) that can protect against loss of commercial power for a few minutes, to independent generators with large battery banks. Critical installations may switch from commercial to internal power in the event of a brownout,where the voltage level is below the normal minimum level specified for the system. Systems supplied with three-phase electric power also suffer brownouts if one or more phases are absent, at reduced voltage, or incorrectly phased. Such malfunctions are particularly damaging to electric motors. Some brownouts, called voltage reductions, are made intentionally to prevent a full
power outage.
Some network elements operate in a manner to protect themselves and shut down gracefully in the event of a loss of power. These might include noncritical application and network management servers, but not true network elements such as routers. UPS may provide a signal called the "Power-Good" signal. Its purpose is to tell the computer all is well with the power supply and that the computer can continue to operate normally. If the Power-Good signal is not present, the computer shuts down. The Power-Good signal prevents the computer from attempting to operate on improper voltages and damaging itself
To help standardize approaches to power failures, the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specification is an open industry standard first released in December 1996 developed by HP, Intel, Microsoft, Phoenix and Toshiba that defines common interfaces for hardware recognition, motherboard and device configuration and power management
Monitoring and Diagnostic Equipment
Networks, depending on their criticality and the skill set available among the operators, may have a variety of temporarily or permanently connected performance measurement and diagnostic equipment. Routers and bridges intended more for the enterprise or ISP market than home use, for example, usually record the amount of traffic and errors experienced on their interfaces. Diagnostic equipment, to isolate failures, may be nothing more complicated than a spare piece of equipment. If the problem disappears when the spare is manually replaced, the problem has been diagnosed. More sophisticated and expensive installations will have spare elements that can automatically replace a failed unit. Failures can be made transparent to user computers with techniques such as the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), as specified in RFC 3768.